Monday, March 4, 2019

The Culminate Amethyst

The Culminate Amethyst / Aarilina talks to her handmaidens about her suitors / Prince Corsair sings to the princess

It was dawn and in Aarilina’s room were two handmaidens, Melody and Anastasia, who had just finished helping the princess get her dress on. It was big and beautiful and was one of her mother's dresses. It was worn before she was born and as she looked in the mirror and wondered what her mother was like. Aarilina didn’t know if she was going to be meeting a lot of nobles and friends of father who would converse with her about her suitors. Or would she be conversing with soldiers or knights in case the day was uneventful. The handmaidens were around her, styling her hair and applying ointment and makeup. They were the same age and grew up with her since they were children.

“Have you met Prince Tusk? I hear he is unbelievable,” said Anastasia.
“He’s unbelievably disruptive,” answered the princess in a cold tone.
“Have you heard of Prince Domineer? Word spreads that he is quite the legend in the bedroom?” said Melody.
“Oh yes, I hear he enchants women from great distances to make sweet, passionate, love to them,” laughed Anastasia.
“I think he's disgusting,” answered Princess Aarilinus.

Princess Aarilinus’ hair was perfect and so was her face with the applications of makeup and lipstick. Aarilina was handed a mirror and saw herself as a work of art. The princess thought to herself; all I need is Animus to rescue me from this nightmare.

“You look beautiful your highness, don’t you think?” asked Melody.
Princess Aarilinus smiled in the mirror, “yes I do.”
She turned her head from the mirror to the top of her desk and grabbed her diary. She opened it to make sure the letter for Animus was there and then closed it. Melody saw the name Animus on the envelope and knew who he was.
“Do you miss Animus?” asked Melody.

“Imagine a man who could make you feel so happy that you would want nothing more,” she said..
Both handmaidens became quiet as they stepped aside for the princess to get up from her stool. Princess Aarilinus rose up and looked around for a place to hide her diary. She walked over to her dresser and hid the diary between the dresser drawers.
“You will keep our conversation a secret from my father is that understood,” she commanded.
“Yes your majesty,” said Melody.
“We won’t tell anyone you love Animus,” said Anastasia.
“Thank you.”

Now the princess could continue the day and walk with her bodyguard around the castle grounds. With one foot stepped outside of her bedroom, she began walking down the stairs with her trusted handmaidens behind until they ran into Jenna.

“My lady, you have got to meet Prince Corsair from Sporsindor. He has come to meet you,” chuckled Jenna.
“No more visits,” answered the princess.
“My lady, he is a handsome gentleman and wants to meet you. You’re all dressed up so nice with your beautiful dress, go speak to him,” encouraged Jenna.
“I’ll speak to him if it makes you happy,” sighed the princess with a feeling that he would be another Prince Tusk or worse Prince Domineer, the queer.

“Girls, I need you to tend to the gardens,” ordered Jenna to Melody and Anastasia.
Aarilina followed Jenna to the library where people bowed as she passed. Tables were filled with peasants, squires, pages and handmaidens reading stories and text books of many different subjects. She was led by Jenna to a table where a man with shoulder length, sandy blond, hair and green eyes looked at her while he remained sitting. He was dressed in silk clothes and had a small freckle on his upper right cheek.

“Your highness, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Prince Corsair,” smiled the prince.
Aarilina looked at Jenna as Jenna’s eyebrows raised with excitement and smiled, “I’ll leave you two alone.”
All was quiet, and Aarilina tried to decide where to begin with her conversation. Things seemed fuzzy in the monarch’s eyes; her stomach felt tight and queasy as though someone had just jumped up and down on her diaphragm like a trampoline.
“I’m happy to meet you and I would like to spend part of the day as your guest,” replied Corsair.
“Very well, I can do that,” she answered and waited for him to say something disgusting.
Prince Corsair led the way out of the library and outside the garden where handmaidens as well as other servants were busy planting baby trees. Aarilina felt as though he was known from another life. He was shy like Animus and spoke only when there was something intelligent to say.

“How do you feel about becoming queen?” he asked with a smile.
“To tell you the truth, I don’t feel anything for it but my people need me,” she replied.
“But I think about the positive changes you could bring to your people,” he said.
Aarilina grinned with a raised eyebrow and thought to herself; there was a lot of good in being a queen. She looked at Prince Corsair and wanted to believe he was a good man, but didn't want to believe everything he said. The princess never did explain in detail what would be done to bring peace and love.

“There are positive changes I would make for Aria,” began the princess.
“Really? Would you care to share?” he asked.
“Later,” said the princess as she hesitated before continuing. “What kind of king will you be?”
“All right,” answered Corsair slowly as he stopped and looked into her eyes.
“I’m a good king, just and fair. In my kingdom, we would have balls every night, full trainings for the knights, archery, fencing and boxing,” answered Corsair.

“So how would you keep your people happy?” asked Aarilina.
“Archery, fencing, boxing and other contests and trainings to be a knight,” he repeated.
“What if they don’t want to be part of any of that?” she asked.
“What would you do?” he asked.
“It’s not what I would do, but what kind of a king would let his queen do the things she needs to do,” answered Aarilina with a smile as she watched Corsair smile back.

“Is that a question? Forgive me your highness my idea of greatness was not just for me alone, but for you and my people,” answered the prince as he touched her wrist. Aarilina closed her eyes and nodded as she felt like Animus was in front of her because of how closely he resembled him. Was it bad for a man to feel powerful from the strength of his queen? She thought to herself. No, but it was questionable if she would hear her own voice call upon the power of her people to defend their way of life from enemies.

There was a part of Corsair that was sweet and innocent like Animus. The funny thing about meeting Prince Corsair was she began thinking more about Animus.
“I wrote a song for you,” continued Corsair as Aarilinus’ removed her hand from his and then he knew there was someone else in her life.

“Is there someone else in your life?” he asked to confirm his intuition.
“Does it matter?” asked the princess. “I've known him for a long time.”
“Would I be able to win your heart by beating him in this contest for the mask?” “No,” she answered firmly.
“What does this man have that I don’t?”
“Lord Corsair, I don’t want to talk about this. Inviting you here was my father’s idea,” she answered as she turned her back to the prince.

Oh darling you look nice
your eyes are warm like the sun
your voice is beautiful like the chirping of robins
when you walk past the trees and shrubs
you bring them into bloom

Princess Aarilina stopped and turned around as she looked into his eyes after a few feet of walking. She didn't expect a prince to suddenly start singing and he had a good voice that relaxed her. She blushed and felt a little embarrassed, but the feeling subsided and she smiled.
“Not bad, but your composition isn’t creative because your words don't rhyme,” she said with a smile.
“Poems don’t have to rhyme! You didn’t give me a chance to finish,” he complained.
“I apologize, please continue,” she answered.

oh darling you look nice
your eyes are warm like the sun
your voice is beautiful like the chirping of Robins
when you walk past the trees and shrubs
you bring them into bloom
oh Aarilina I can’t escape your voice
it’s like the fire streaming from the sun
oh Aarilinus I don’t know how to make a choice
all I want to do is fulfill the mystery of fun
until the sunsets upon the world and the moon shines on us.
Aarilina smiled because the poem was sweet. For once she met a prince that wasn’t deranged. His eyes melted into hers and she knew he had a good heart.

“I’ll see you at the masquerade in two days,” said Prince Corsair as he bowed his head and left.
“A masquerade, what is father planning?” whispered Aarilina as her bodyguard walked up behind her. Together they left the library and went outside to begin their walk around the castle grounds to get some light exercise.
A day without Animus was long and difficult for the princess. She could feel goosebumps cover her legs from the cold breeze of the cloudy summer morning. It was nice to walk the trails outside the castle without father worrying about her. With permission by the king, she was able to walk with her bodyguard on the trails. Her father freaked out if she was outside the castle grounds with no protection.

It was the afternoon and the clouds unveiled the sun and the light hit the princess as she felt the heat hit her body. She was no longer cold, but now she was getting hot. Her eyes squinted from the blindness of the sun to see the long path ahead and sweat began to perspire from her forehead. She opened up her white fancy umbrella so she wouldn’t burn in the sun. They came across a park area with a bench and they decided to stop to take a break.
“Thank you,” said the princess as the bodyguard laid down a blanket and helped her sit on the bench.
The hours of walking were harsh for the princess to and she grew tired of being followed by the servant.. When she was ready to get up, she looked at her bodyguard who looked like he was waiting for a catastrophe. She got back up and continued walking. The body guard followed her and she noticed he held the handle of his sword . The walk next to the trees gave them some shade momentarily until they walked back into the sun again. She could tell this soldier was stressed and acted like a gang of ogres were going to charge and run off with her. She felt nothing, but over protection from him and only the loud clang sound of his metal armor could be heard.

She turned to look at her bodyguard and asked, “are you stressed?” she asked.
“No your highness,” he replied
“Then why wont' you talk to me?”
“I was ordered not to. No small talk,” he replied.
“What is your name?” she asked, but she didn't get an answer.
“Tell me your name bodyguard,” ordered Princess Aarilinus.
“Sir Edward Bobbet,” he answered.

Then the princess remembered him and knew he was one of the lowest ranking soldiers. Edward Bobbet was a young, twenty year old, man with no family or friends. He was about five-foot nine and one-hundred and thirty pounds with an average build. In a way Aarilina felt sorry for him and wanted him to loosen up.
“We’ve walked around the second gate for hours and you’ve said nothing of my dress today. Is it pretty or does it surfeit you?” she asked.

“Your beauty has been heard and seen throughout the kingdom. I know how beautiful you are, but the king has spies watching us and if he finds out what is taking place I’ll be punished.”
“My father threatens you for a harmless question?” she asked
“Yes your highness.”
“Are you hot wearing your armor?”
“Yes your highness.”
“Then take it off,” she replied, but got a peculiar expression from his eyes.
“Fear not, I will protect you against my father. Look upon me as you would no other and answer my question,” she insisted with a smile.

The bodyguard thought for a minute and realized she was right. After all, she was going to be his future queen. Edward Bobbet took off his armor and after kneeling down to take the final piece of metal from his ankle he looked at the princess. He was taller than her by six inches, with short black hair and brown eyes. He knew the princess was beautiful but now he was able to soak her figure in his eyes and realized she was much more with the makeup and dress.

“Hello, are you going to tell me?” she asked and started laughing.
The servant kneeled himself to the ground and started crying. The princess gently put her hand on his head and pitied him for being mis-treated by her father.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he replied as he sat on the grass bare footed.
“Have you not seen a woman before, one that holds such beauty and grace?” she asked with a smile and continued.
“Sir Edward Bobbet have you even seen a beautiful woman before?” she asked but got no reply.
“It’s ok, our secret is safe. All I want you to do is answer my question, do you not like my 
dress today?”

“You look lovely your highness,” he answered.
“Thank you. You see, that wasn’t so hard,” she said.
“No it wasn’t,” he said as he got up from the ground with a smile and continued their walk. 

Sir Edward Bobbit left his armor hidden behind some bushes behind a tree. “It’s such a 
beautiful day! I like the way the clouds curl themselves into each other,” she replied with a 
smile realizing she was now having a lot of fun with her bodyguard instead of the boring 
status of how he was before.

“It is and it complements you. Without you we would have no beautiful days,” said Edward. “You’re the essence of beauty.”
“Thank you Edward and thanks for making this day memorable for me,” she answered. “Edward I need you to play a game with me.”

“A game?” he asked with a strange look.
“It’s very simple, you lie facing the ground and count until you can count no further and then you try to find me.”
“I don’t believe that is so, my lady, my job is to protect you. Not play games with you.”
“Yes, except father wishes for my happiness. A princess can only take so much protection before she goes absolutely insane.”
“I see,” began Edward as he ran his fingers through his black hair and thought about it.
“What is the game you wish to play?” he asked.

“It’s simple, lie flat on your chest and count as high as you can until you can count no further,” she repeated.
“Ok,” he replied puzzled with a sigh as he laid on the grass and started counting.

Princess Aarilinus ran far to the township area, to an area hidden from the people and hidden in an old, condemned, church that was transformed into what she called The Clandestine Garden. It was a building that was overgrown with trees, flowers and a deep pool in the center. Nobody knew about it because it was hidden and the water was always clear. It never grew cold, birds and animals came for sanctuary and Aarilina went there to unwind.

“I thought I would never lose him,” she whispered to herself as she stretched her arms and hands as she raised hr head up to the broken chandelier to embrace the warmth of the sun that shined from above.
There were many visits to this special place by Aarilina before the trees, plants and flowers filled the building with beauty. Erosion gave her the inspiration to create the pool with Animus, when they were children, and now there was something special to remember.

She took off her shoes and socks to dip her toe in the water. She felt the warm water and she knew the water was nice. Aarilina set her shoes, her crown on the ground and unraveled her hair from its braids. She walked to the edge of the pool and realized she didn’t want to get the dress her mother wore soiled. She didn’t have anything else to wear and looked up at the birds in the trees that chirped and realized it was worth the risk. The princess looked around and realized she was alone in the garden as well as her life without Animus. She knew she wasn’t innocent, in her eyes, and took off the dress to take a swim in the water. Aarilina felt like she was living in a cage with the expectations of her father to fulfill an illusions to make him happy. To make him glorified, honorable and powerful.

She splashed the water with her hands, feet and slowly removed her worries of rules and expectations and became one with the water. With each movement of her hands and feet to the deeper part of the pool. She felt she was in uncharted waters of her life and a frog that was large swam up to the Lilly pad and climbed onto it. The Lilly pads joined her from the edge of the pool. The princess could see that the flowers had bloomed. She hymned and rose from the water to sit on the ledge and felt the cold stone texture with her naked body. The princess’ long, black, hair stuck to her back as she moved to sit under the sun and felt the heat on her face and it made her feel good. She continued to hymn and sing the song that she wrote for Animus.

I circle around in the night sky
waiting for you to arrive to me
I got desire that burns in my heart
It’s what you want, it’s what I need
with the impressions I must heed
like magic it is
like magic it is
like magic it is
I circle around the beautiful night sky
I’m down to say this, sad good-bye
if I can’t have you I’d rather die
but I know that your coming
yes I do, deep in my heart
from me to you
because it’s almost like magic
like magic it is
like magic it is
like magic it is

Princess Aarilinus’ eyes blinked as she saw the butterflies fly to her and kiss her head. She started laughing because they tickled her face and then after they left, one of the butterflies landed on her palm. She giggled as a few more landed and tickled the palm of her hand.

There was a sound of something moving in the brush and she looked to see a fox peek at her from behind a tree. It didn’t come across as threatening and looked at her curiously.

“Come here,” she said with a smile and gesture her with a hand.

Aarilina cracked a grin as she rose up from the ledge and walked towards it. The fox sat down by the tree and waited for her. She heard the birds chirping for her to continue the hymn, but she wanted to meet her new friend, the fox.
She knew her voice enchanted the fox and other animals with her singing. The princess knew they admired her and wanted to be with her because she was different than any human they knew of.

Aarilina walked over to the fox and stopped a foot away and leaned her hand out. The fox smelled her hand and then moved up against her chest to lick her face. She smiled while looking around and watched the roses and tulips move from the wind as it blew her hair. Two robins glided down from a tree and land on her shoulders. They chirped as she pet the fox’s head and laughed.

"The Culminate Amethyst"
Red and Blue Dragon Fantasy LLC.
Ryan Keith Johnson
Copy Right 2019
All Rights Reserved.