Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Princess Aarilinus meets Prince Domineer

When the prince was gone. The princess was alone and confused because of the way he acted towards her. Was he genuine in his affection or was he using her? Or worse, was he crazy? Prince Tusk cried his tears to her, but did it mean that he would change for the better? Aarilina missed Animus touching her back and tickling her rib cage, but what she missed the most was Animus listening to her when she needed someone to talk to.
            She smiled and thought about how romantic Animus was when he climbed up the tower to be with her, just as he had a few times earlier. The princess walked over to the window sill with the poem and started writing as she hummed to herself until she heard the sound of a new carriage and looked below. 
The princess let out a sigh and thought of meeting a new prince who would prove why they should be together. All Aarilina needed was Animus; the very man she was forbidden to have.
The princess walked to her bed and set her poem aside to pull out her secret diary; with the stroke of her pen, she wrote the last thoughts of Prince Tusk. The creepy prince, who escaped the dark hole of craziness, the scary one who shot orders that was to be followed and then started crying to her royal feet when she retaliated. Before she reached the middle of the page to free her mind from the torment of a folly prince there was a pounding at the door. Aarilina jumped up from her bed and hid the diary between her bed sheets.
“Who is it?” she asked.
“It’s your father, dear.”
“Oh father, what news do you bring for me now?”
“It’s a surprise my dear. Come, open the door so I can show you who wants to see you.”
“Really,” she said and hesitated as she tried to think. “Father I don’t think I can take anymore surprises in one day. Prince Tusk has already taken quite a beating on my soul.”
“As I understand it, he told me you two are a match made in heaven. Would you open the door please there’s someone who wants to meet you,” demanded the king.
The hinges began squeaking while the door opened a crack revealing the light from the window. Finally, the door opened all the way for the princess to reveal herself. She saw a man with father who was quite handsome with long hair. The prince was young, handsome and had sandy brown hair that stretched to the middle of his back. His smile revealed deep dimples along his high cheek bones. His bangs were bushy and over his eyebrows. His large build could be seen though his dark red silky shirt and blue pants.
            “This is Prince Domineer; I have a meeting with Prince Tusk, enjoy each others company,” replied King Owen before he left.
            Aarilina walked back in her room as Domineer followed and could feel him looking at her body.
            “So, Prince Domineer, tell me about yourself? When you become king what do you plan to do for your kingdom?” she asked before turning around and looked into his blue eyes. 
            “I like to spend the day creating plans for the peasants in Aryan, trading with other kingdoms for livestock, food and treasures. I like to go out exploring other lands, going on treasure hunts and discovering waterfalls from far away lands.”
            “Well it sounds like every woman desires you,” smiled Aarilina.
            “Yes, I enjoy the nights with the selected handmaiden’s back home. I believe, as king, I should have the power to choose whoever and how many women I deem worthy to have a lustful night with,” said Prince Domineer in a serious tone as his eyes looked deep into Aarilina’s eyes, not realizing he offended her.
            The princess slowly shook her head back and forth as the prince looked at her confused and asked her, “what’s the matter?”
            “Why would one woman choose a pig such as yourself and find you share the bed with multiple women?” she asked. 
            “I’m sorry, but as king I have to be happy and the only way I can fulfill my needs is to have multiple women, willingly, to satisfy my needs,” he replied.
            “Are you truly a prince?” she asked. “Were you dropped as a baby?”
            “I am a prince and I will be king. We do not need to follow the rules your father has put in place for you,” said Prince Domineer as he walked closer to her. “I can show you how strong I am,” he began slowly. “You will love it and you will love me and you won't want anyone else but me.” said the prince as she stopped him.
            “No I will not. My heart is already taken for a suitor of my liking,” she said as she watched him look disappointed and felt relieved.
            “Well,” began the prince with a smile. “He doesn’t need to know about me and the nights that we would spend together. I can prove how good I am to you.  You won't want him after you spend a night with me.” said the prince as he continued to move closer to her. Then Aarilina stopped him with her hand. “Actually, I do mind and I like my nights uneventful.”
            “You like to be bored with uneventful nights?” asked the prince. “You poor girl.”
            “I like absolute silence,” she said. 
            “How about a kiss, maybe that would change your mind,” said the prince as he nudged his head forward to get a kiss from her.
            “How about you kiss the door,” she said, but the prince didn't respond and grabbed her arm as he dominated her. “I will not kiss you, now leave!” she continued and slapped the prince across the face and felt his tight grip on her arm.  
            “You will change your mind once I get my hands on the mask and you will serve me day and night,” he said as he let go of her arm, opened the door, and left.

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